Frequently Asked Questions
Click on the questions that are relevant to you below. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please visit the main work in the field page for more information.
Work with us
While the majority of our professionals have a medical background, we also need skilled staff such as: nutritionists, epidemiologists, lab technicians, mental health professionals, water and sanitation engineers, construction engineers, logisticians and HR and financial controllers.
Follow the link for more information on who we need.
MSF recruits medical and non-medical staff to work in its projects. All of these people bring professional abilities, practical experience, as well as a commitment to and concern for the people they help.
Our projects are manned by locally hired staff with minimal international presence. On average, for every expatriate posted to a specific project, there are seven local workers. They provide everything from technical and administrative assistance to nursing and medical skills.
Detailed information about the selection criteria and role descriptions can be found on our website here.
We can only accept applications from people who meet our strict requirements and applications must be made online.
You can apply as soon as you have definite dates of availability and normally around six months before you want to go.
The application process on average takes around four to six months.
- We have a minimum requirement of two years of experience registration. As we receive many applications, we look for as wide a range of experience as possible.
- This can be made up of different placements but obviously longer placements may better reflect in-depth experience in working in unstable/difficult situations.
- Experience is necessary as we expect a high level of autonomy from our medics in the field.
Unfortunately, we cannot offer elective placements for medical students. Many of the places we work in are unstable and we try to maintain a minimum international presence.
Equally, a major part of any role with MSF involves working autonomously and training local staff, therefore it is important medics are at a stage of their career where they feel comfortable with this.
For questions please email [email protected]
Responses will be sent within two weeks.