Medical supplies ready to move to areas of need in Sudan
War and conflict

Medical supplies ready to move to areas of need in Sudan

PORT SUDAN/BRUSSELS – A first shipment of 28 metric tons of aid supplies to support Doctors Without Borders’ (MSF’s) medical activities in Wad Madani and Khartoum arrived in Port Sudan today.

This is the first of several emergency supply shipments to Sudan in the coming weeks. A second shipment of around 30 metric tons is being prepared and is scheduled to arrive on 24 May 2023. The first shipment includes surgical supplies and supplies to treat non-communicable diseases and respond to possible outbreaks of measles, malaria or cholera.

The supplies will be moved in the next few days to areas where they are urgently needed to enable medical teams to continue to provide essential medical care. In Wad Madani, MSF teams are running mobile clinics to provide primary healthcare for people who have been displaced. A second MSF team is working in south Khartoum, providing surgical emergency response at the Bashair Teaching Hospital, alongside Sudanese staff and volunteers from the community, to provide life-saving surgical care for direct and indirect victims of violence.

“Over the past few weeks, we’ve been able to begin healthcare services for people affected by the conflict – beginning with displaced people in Wad Madani and later working with a hospital in Khartoum to provide surgery to people in desperate need of care. These supply shipments are a lifeline to ensure that hospitals and clinics are stocked and able to continue to provide the healthcare people need,” said xxx

MSF will also continue to support the Ministry of Health in its efforts to maintain vital healthcare for people in various parts of Sudan, including Khartoum, North Darfur, West Darfur, Central Darfur, Al-JAzeera, Blue Nile, Al-Gedaref states.