Press release
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Press Release

Access to medicines

Ahead of Gavi Board meeting, MSF calls on Gavi to revise its global mechanism and demand pharma sell all COVID-19 vaccines at cost

Press Release 23 Jun 2020
COVID-19 treatment center at the Grands Brûlés hospital © Lunos Saint Brave/MSF
Access to Healthcare

Medecins Sans Frontieres raises an alert over the alarming spread of COVID-19 in Haiti

Press Release 10 Jun 2020
Internally displaced people's camp in the territory of Djugu in Ituri, DRC
Refugees, Migration and displacement

Democratic Republic of Congo: 200,000 people forced from homes and health centres destroyed as violence surges in Ituri province

Crisis Update 4 Jun 2020
COVID-19 Coronavirus

MSF launches new online mental health tool during COVID-19 pandemic

Article 2 Jun 2020
IMAGE- Public funding needs strings attached
Access to medicines

Any future COVID-19 vaccines must be sold at cost and accessible to all

Press Release 2 Jun 2020
Al Amal COVID-19 Isolation and treatment center
Access to Healthcare

Yemen: In Aden’s only COVID-19 treatment centre we are seeing a catastrophe unfold

Press Release 26 May 2020
Attacks on medical care

South Sudan: Renewed violence in Pieri kills and wounds dozens, including MSF staff

Press Release 19 May 2020
Attacks on medical care

Sudan: MSF urges respect for medical action after violent incursion

Crisis Update 15 May 2020
 MSF Flag ©Valérie Batselaere/MSF
Access to Healthcare

Médecins Sans Frontières joins forces with Mali’s Ministry of Health to treat patients infected with COVID-19 in Bamako

Press Release 16 Apr 2020