Access to Health care

Access to healthcare

Not everything strikes without warning; some disasters are slow. They unfold over decades as a disease affects a population, instability undermines the health system or people are actively excluded from receiving healthcare.

After a rapid emergency subsides people can also find it difficult to access healthcare as the area struggles to recover, the government is overwhelmed by the scale of the problems or new health problems are sparked, such as cholera outbreaks when clean water supplies are disrupted. In these cases, MSF works to give people access to health care and to tackle diseases that need long-term treatment, such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and neglected tropical diseases like sleeping sickness.

Access to Healthcare

“Kreinik town today is a burned-out spectre after the attack that happened last year”

Stories from the Frontline 22 Feb 2023
MSF teams travel 2 hours by speedboat in Ulang to reach communities displaced by floods
Access to Healthcare

Giving birth amid floodwaters

Stories from the Frontline 22 Feb 2023
14 MSF trucks loaded with tents and winter kits crossing into northwest Syria [Abdulmonam Eassa/MS]
Access to Healthcare

MSF aid convoy in relief of earthquake victims enters northwest Syria

Press Release 20 Feb 2023
Access to Healthcare

Northwest Syria: Hospitals full of wounded, while vital needs grow after earthquakes

Crisis Update 16 Feb 2023
View of a street in Sarmada city, in Idleb governorate. [© Hadia Mansour]
Access to Healthcare

Syria and Türkiye earthquakes: "I feel that the disaster is still ongoing"

Stories from the Frontline 15 Feb 2023
View of a street in Sarmada city, in Idleb governorate. [© Hadia Mansour]
Access to Healthcare

Earthquakes in Syria: "There is no time to waste in reaching the people of this region"

Project Update 14 Feb 2023