Access to Health care

Access to healthcare

Not everything strikes without warning; some disasters are slow. They unfold over decades as a disease affects a population, instability undermines the health system or people are actively excluded from receiving healthcare.

After a rapid emergency subsides people can also find it difficult to access healthcare as the area struggles to recover, the government is overwhelmed by the scale of the problems or new health problems are sparked, such as cholera outbreaks when clean water supplies are disrupted. In these cases, MSF works to give people access to health care and to tackle diseases that need long-term treatment, such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and neglected tropical diseases like sleeping sickness.

A woman fetching water from an MSF water point, in the town of Pibor, Boma state, South Sudan
Access to Healthcare

“You use what you have, as best you can.”

Project Update 23 Dec 2019
A boy leads a donkey with water canisters from the berkit (rainwater collecting clay pond)[Photo:Susanne Doettling/MSF]
Access to Healthcare

Giving birth on the move

Stories from the Frontline 13 Dec 2019
Villagers surrounded by water and stranded in a shrinking area of dry land[Photo: Nicola Flamigni/MSF]
Access to Healthcare

South Sudan: “People tell us these are the worst floods they have ever seen”

Stories from the Frontline 5 Dec 2019
MSF in Galkayo, Somalia
Access to Healthcare

Gaarsiinta daryeel caafimaad dadka ku nool bartamaha Soomaaliya

Article 20 Nov 2019
MSF in Galkayo, Somalia
Access to Healthcare

Bringing medical care to people in central Somalia

Press Release 20 Nov 2019
Mohamed Kalil is MSF’s humanitarian affairs advisor [Photo: Abdalle Mumin/MSF]
Access to Healthcare

Somalia: “Floods have left people so vulnerable that it’s a dilemma to decide whose needs are the greatest”

Stories from the Frontline 19 Nov 2019