Natural Disaster

Natural disasters

An earthquake, tsunami, flood or cyclone can have a devastating impact on entire communities.

Within a matter of minutes, natural disasters can affect the lives of tens of thousands of people. Hundreds or even thousands of people can be injured, homes and livelihoods destroyed. Access to clean water, healthcare services and transport can also be disrupted. The impact of each disaster varies greatly and our response must adapt to each situation.

Needs must be quickly identified, but accessing a disaster zone can be complex when roads are cut off. The first responders are people already on-site: community members, local authorities and aid organisations already present.

We keep pre-packaged kits to deploy for rapid relief and life-saving assistance. With projects in over 70 countries, we often have aid workers nearby when a disaster strikes. They can be reinforced with additional teams if a larger response is needed.

Access to Healthcare

MSF responds to earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria 

Article 10 Feb 2023
The impact of the earthquake on 6 February 2023. Idlib, Northwestern Syria. [© Omar Haj Kadour]
Access to Healthcare

Overwhelming needs as earthquakes hit south Türkiye and northwest Syria: MSF scales up its response

Crisis Update 8 Feb 2023
Young boys steer a canoe in Old Fangak, South Sudan. [© Florence Miettaux]
Access to Healthcare

Catastrophic floods cause mass displacement and an escalating humanitarian crisis in South Sudan

Project Update 19 Dec 2022

Kenya: Urgent humanitarian response required to address rising malnutrition cases in Marsabit

Article 19 May 2022
Mental Health

A month after the KwaZulu-Natal flash floods, Doctors Without Borders thinks people should be aware of these three issues

Article 18 May 2022
People displaced by Tropical Cyclone Ana in Bangula, Nsanje district at Bangula ADMARC
Access to Healthcare

After flooding, displaced Malawians are living in dire conditions

Project Update 11 Feb 2022