Women fetching water at a water point in Stoneridge in Southern Harare. Photo: Samuel Sieber/MS

Water, waste, and vaccination: Fighting cholera and typhoid in Harare, Zimbabwe

Article 25 Feb 2020
A woman fetching water from an MSF water point, in the town of Pibor, Boma state, South Sudan
Access to Healthcare

“You use what you have, as best you can.”

Project Update 23 Dec 2019
Villagers surrounded by water and stranded in a shrinking area of dry land[Photo: Nicola Flamigni/MSF]
Access to Healthcare

South Sudan: “People tell us these are the worst floods they have ever seen”

Stories from the Frontline 5 Dec 2019
Mohamed Kalil is MSF’s humanitarian affairs advisor [Photo: Abdalle Mumin/MSF]
Access to Healthcare

Somalia: “Floods have left people so vulnerable that it’s a dilemma to decide whose needs are the greatest”

Stories from the Frontline 19 Nov 2019