Patient and staff stories
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Stories From the Frontline

Distribution of essentials

“I see people collapsing, physically exhausted. They clearly haven’t had enough food for a while.”

Stories from the Frontline 29 Jun 2022
L-R: Yohannes, Maria, Tedros
Access to Healthcare

One-year memoriam: Yohannes, Maria and Tedros

Project Update 24 Jun 2022

From child refugee to MSF HR manager - the story of Moses Soro

Stories from the Frontline 20 Jun 2022

Hussein Ismail - witnessing medical emergencies from Dadaab, Kenya to Cross River state, Nigeria

Stories from the Frontline 13 May 2022
Mobile clinic in Kreneik, the latest MSF intervention before the violence re-started
Access to Healthcare

Sudan: Violent attacks leave tens of thousands in West Darfur without access to healthcare

Project Update 29 Apr 2022
Declared cured a patient is leaving to go home. Follow-up testing will confirm no relapse
Access to Healthcare

Healing from DR-TB, despite long distances and numerous challenges

Stories from the Frontline 26 Apr 2022
MSF’s first medical referral train arrives in Lviv on Friday 01 April 2022.
Access to Healthcare

“You have a medical train? I have patients for you”

Stories from the Frontline 4 Apr 2022
Access to Healthcare

Ukraine: A race against time

Stories from the Frontline 14 Mar 2022
Women in the lead
Access to Healthcare

Women in the lead

Stories from the Frontline 7 Mar 2022