Chiara Fogo, Head of Mission Assistant in South Sudan
South Sudan

" Every day is a learning experience"

“I am from Padova, Italy, a 26-year-old with a firm foundation in political science and international relations. My educational journey took me through a bachelor’s in international studies and culminated with a master’s in international security studies. Throughout this academic path, I've always felt a pull towards humanitarian concerns and the laws governing them.

When the time came to venture into the professional realm, my interest naturally gravitated towards the non-governmental sector. MSF's renowned reputation in Italy made it an immediate choice. My initial endeavour with MSF Italy spanned six months, where I dived deep into understanding its structure, governance, and the core values it upholds. This initial time was transformative and when the opportunity to join as an Operational Desk Assistant in Geneva Headquarters presented itself, I seized it without hesitation.

Despite being relatively new to MSF, the year I've spent as a Desk Assistant has been enlightening. It offered a panoramic view of mission management, showcasing the complexities of decision-making and the relation between HQ and field operations. This vantage point has made me appreciate the multitude roles and responsibilities that synergise to ensure that every mission receives the necessary support.

My first field mission took me to Bulgaria. This experience was an eye-opener. It unveiled the daily grind of managing a project and acquainted me with the practical challenges faced on the ground. More importantly, it let me witness first-hand the tangible impact of MSF's endeavours on the communities we serve. This reaffirmed my belief in the organization's mission.

Now, as I am embarking on my next assignment in South Sudan, I carry with me invaluable lessons and experiences. Looking back at my time in Geneva, I'm grateful for the inclusive environment MSF nurtures. The organisation genuinely invests in the growth of its interns, promoting active participation and facilitating professional evolution. Through regular interactions, meetings, and consistent feedback, MSF has ensured that we are not just passive observers but active contributors to the humanitarian cause.

In this ever-evolving journey with MSF, every day is a learning experience, and I am eager to see where this path leads.”

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Article 29 April 2024